Saturday 29 July 2023

Hello world

 So repurposing this blog, because I know that when this year is over, I will not be renewing my account with wordpress (unless they whip up a incredible offer, which they prolly won't). So I am slowly migrating stuff off that blog, and unto other blogs. 

This blog will be for showcasing sales that is also uploaded to Nordravn & Natskygge on facebook Also this blog will have a library of free patterns. plus a links list to paid patterns that I either used for something here, or made something for  myself or my family with. I will not give you the pattern, because I think you should support the small creators, and writing up patterns is a fucking chore for sure. 

You can find my practical crochet project here, which are simple how to explanations and hopefully videos when I get myself a new computer, of easy patterns for pratctical items that beginners can do. and if you are broke like I used to be - it can absolutely help your budget if you use yarn on sale or from a thrift shop. 

If you want a logo mug or shirt, you can get those here

For comissions, please contact me through facebook (link above), discord, or email 

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