Saturday 10 February 2024

Silly is as Silly does...

 So I am super done with peoples AI fear, and I will repeat myself till I am blue in the head - it is a tool, on it's own it's nothing.. And do you really think that the autocorrect in your phone is a group of people chained in a dark basement? no it's an AI. 

So I set forth to create some AI patterns just to prove my point, the AI can be asked to make a image of what the pattern is supposed to look like, and let's just say, the AI have serious delusions.

Also this is for entertainment only, even if the patterns are included in the links. I will update this page as patterns are added.

The images showcased are the AI version, the actual version i made from the shitty patterns are included in the links.

click here

click here

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click here

boho legwarmers

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