Monday 11 March 2024

can we talk about pattern writers who don't give a shit.


Besides that I am reconstructing a pattern I bought, it was a skull grannysquare wrap, but omg the pattern was really weird, I didn't understand how it was the author of it wanted me to do the borders of those squares, it looked absolutely stupid, and I did tripple check with a friend of mine who does patterns both for crochet and knitting for a living - and I was not wrong, the pattern was super off in the borders of the squares. And so I decided to do the borders as I felt they should be done, and it did look like the photo provided in the pattern - but the shape

can we talk about how nobody has that shape. It is not my bodytype, it is the damn shape of the wrap, first off you can't have tits, and you must have very slim upper arms.. I have tits and normal sized arms (i think) and I looked like - 'we have ugly re-worked sweater at home, from when you were 12'. Just no.

It does piss me off that creators who expects you to pay good money for their pattern, and this was not super cheap, it was just because I thought it looked cute on the model - I remember I did sorta cringe at paying €5+ for it because basically it's just a skull square, but okay - again what I was into was how it looked on the model... it felt like buying a wedding dress on wish, and recieving one that will fit your barbie doll.. you know - what you see is not what you get. 

And I know many crocheters are up in arms about AI, these people are not AI - neither the chick who made the damn wrap, or the one who made the scuffed skull blanket. they just don't go over their patterns before they sell them.-

For the love of fuck, couldn't you like get yourself a betatester of your patterns or something? That is what the pros do, and now we know why. I am sick and tired of paying for patterns that the creators were just not bothered to check over.

Okay, okay - listen I could have just studied the image of the wrap, and winged it. I didn't, I chose to support the pattern writer by buying it. Because my momma raised me right. But I am never going to buy something from this person again, if they ever make something I think looks cool - you can be damn sure that I either will source the pattern for free (because my daddy raised me right too) - or I will just wing it from the image. No fucking way will I pay what it cost to make dinner for my family, for a pattern that was clearly not made with any care or propriety - seriously that is all I ask. Care for your buyers, a little respect goes a very long way - and right now I feel like this chick is laughing her ass off on my dime. 

Not digging it at all! 

So I decided to rewrite 'her' pattern, and call it mine, because bitch don't own the skull square, or the grandma-square sweater design. And so I chose some much bulkier yarn, and set out to create a regular sweater. closed in front. I am making this because I wanted to wear it at my youngest sisters wedding later this month. 

I will throw the pattern up here when I am completely done with the hexeri, so you all can make it too, I will include alternative finishes of the front: such as an open version with buttons/tie on front, and also include the wrap method, should you wish that - and no bitch don't own wraps either, and also I would never in my fucking life make a wrap the same way she did in her pattern.

For now I only made the front and half a sleeve, because I got lost on Reddit laughing my ass off  at stupid shit. it's a rabbithole what can I say?

okay that was embarassingly hard to get a photo of, go boomer me

I do still have the first version that I created from the pattern I bought, and I have to guilttrip a kid onto wearing it so I can take a photo, I seriously need to show you that clusterfuck. I am not going to link you to her storefront, or name her - if you really want to know what to avoid, ask and you shall recieve.

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