Sunday 17 March 2024

The Orchid Shawl, stitch and pattern explained (with photos, and link to original pattern)

You can buy the shawl used in this entry, info and image at the end of this post.

I can't seem to make up my mind about this pattern, which is why I figured it made sense to use this blog to discuss patterns - I won't be going through it all - but I will do the first couple of rows here, because I struggled, and I am a seasoned crocheter.

The reason is the pattern is written in a frustratingly simplified way, and her video is terrible. You can see her sad beige mom succulent, better than what she is actually doing. And that is why I am going through the start here.

I hate the start, and I am working on a poncho rework of this stitch, and I will definitly not have that odd massive bit, and also I only stitch 3 between clusters because I think that looks better - and lastly I do the last row V stitch in the third stitch, not in the first. But that is my own preferences.

Also I do not go through everything, and I assume you know that when it comes to shawls, what you do from start to spine is repeated on the other side.

- and ignore me messing up the numbering - the images are in the right sequence.



You can buy the shawl in the tutorial, here.  
For international customers: It's €6, without shipping, which is an additional €6 (for international shipping) - €12 in all
For domestic customers in Denmark, 50kr uden forsendelse, (ellers plus 50kr - 100kr i alt)

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